Learn to Drive

Learning to drive is a process of acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to operate a motor vehicle safely and effectively on public roads. The process typically involves a combination of classroom instruction or online learning, practical driving lessons, and supervised driving practice.


The first step is to obtain a learner’s license which allows the individual to begin practising driving under the supervision of a licensed driver.


The next step is to enrol in a driver education program or take lessons from a licensed driving instructor certified with the province. These programs provide classroom instruction on traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices, as well as practical lessons on operating a vehicle and navigating different driving conditions. Our learn to driver course is 25 hours online or in the classroom and 10 hours driving.


Learning to drive requires patience, focus, and attention to detail. It’s important to be aware of one’s surroundings, follow traffic laws, and practice defensive driving to avoid accidents and keep the roads safe. With practice and dedication, anyone can learn to drive and enjoy the freedom and independence that comes with it


Classroom programs regulary, online can start anytime.

We Offer services 7 Days A Week

We have other programs as well:


Other online courses.

We have a large amount of online course, many driving related.  See DLC Online

Driver Improvement

Consists of 6 hours of a course designed for driver improvement. Approved by Registry of Motor Vehicles. Available in person or online.


55 Alive program

Canadian Safety Council program that is designed for those over 55.

Defensive Driving

Canadian Safety Council Defensive Driving Program.

Register Today

Approved Courses For POINT REDUCTION

Both our Driver Improvement program and Defensive driving program can be used to restore points.


Each course can nullify a warning letter


Can restore up to 4 points.


Can be used to remove the N off a license.


Offered in class, online and occassionally over Zoom.

Our Other online Courses

These courses are online only and we cannot promise that every employer will accept them. Prices can change without notice and the price listed below may have changed from when we last checked.  All these courses can be purchased directly online and does not include tax


Intoxicants and Driving Awareness

Distracted driving happens when your full attention is not on the road or when your attention is diverted away from activities critical for safe driving by a competing activity.

Available Here



Winter Driving Fundamentals

This online Winter Driving Fundamentals course explores the main risks associated with winter driving and offers simple solutions to reduce winter driving risk. Also see Thinking Driver’s “Defensive Driving: Extreme Winter Driving with Skid Control/Recovery” for a more comprehensive course.

Available Here



Sit Down Forklift - Operator Safety

The forklift is the most important of all material handling equipment. Forklifts are found in most industries that require loads to be moved around warehouses and work sites.

This online Sit-Down Forklift course covers important aspects of sit-down forklifts, including their components, inspection, safe operation, and maintenance.

This content developer is recognized by the International Competency Assessment Board (I-CAB) for its expertise in this subject matter and is listed as a competency development resource for I-CAB assessment participants.

Available Here



Air Brake Refresher Program

This program teaches the Airbrake concepts detail. The program comes in 3 sections: Sections 1 & 2 represents the full Alberta Curriculum and Section 3 is a set of interactive activities to enhance the learner experience. Students are allowed to move back and forth through all the material at will, allowing easy access for individual review topics. The user creates their own experience.


Available Here



Convenient and Safe

Our courses we try to schedule at a convenient times throughout the month. 

Modern Tools & Courses

We regularly update courses and use new methods like Zoom. 

A Team Who Cares

Even after the course we are available to answer questions that may come up. 


Province Approved

Our program is approved by the province for a learn to drive and for driver improvment.

Online Drivers Ed

Now Available – Learn to drive course!

25 Hours of the classroom can now be done online at your convince.


Less Stressful. More comfortable at home than anywhere else, so naturally this is an empowering and relaxed environment for them to engage in online courses


Less Distracting. Without classmates causing distractions, students are able to control their online learning to an environment that suits their needs best, whether it’s the bedroom, an living room, or the dining room table

Our promise

“DLC’s motto has always been Safety by choice – Not by chance and we strive safety in all our courses to make it the safest possible on the road.”

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John Doe

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.”

Brad Walton

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you approved by the Province?

Absolutely both our in class and our online courses have the Provinces stamp of approval.

You seem new ?

Yes and no, as COVID caused some problem in the province, some of us that have been with other places for years decided that since a lot of us taught other programs for DLC, why not add what we did for others.

When do you hold courses ?

All of our courses will be on our scheduling page. Generally all our courses are on a loose 6 week rotation.

We have the 25 hour learn to drive and the 6 hour driver improvement course available online anytime,

Can I go driving before completing the in class or the online portion?

We really want student to complete the in class part of the course before hitting the streets, what is learned in class is important concepts that will need to be used on the streets.

Can I fail ?

Our Driver Improvement, 55 Alive and Defensive driving course there is a 6 hour minimum, and those that have not stayed are given the choice to attend another course.

The new drivers course does have tests and quizzes, but we find the prep work we do and the ability to take them twice is more than enough that failing really does not happen, however students have been asked to leave because the instructor team have decided that their attitude and or behavior clearly contrary to the learning experience or they have shown dangerous behavior on the road beyond normal. 


Anything else?

DLC policy is on the main page, however if you have any questions, please feel free to call or email us.

Sign Up Today!

Upcoming courses are on our main page.  Sign up today


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